ISDE Sports Convention 2025
Training Experience TDISDE
Current Issues in Banking and Financial Law
Open Day 2025 Madrid
Graduation ISDE Degree 2025 Barcelona
14th Edition International ISDE Legal Award 2024
Opportunities and Challenges around the New European Artificial Intelligence Regulation
Breakfast and Networking
Blockchain Attendance Certificate for the ISDE Sports Convention 2024
ISDE 2024 Graduation Pack
IV ISDE Legal – Financial Bootcamp
ISDE Graduation Grado 2024
ISDE Undergraduate Graduation 2024
ISDE Sports Convention 2024
How your child can study law and directly join the best law firms: The ISDE Method
ISDE Sports Convention 2024 Launch Event
Open Day - ISDE Degree
Roundtable on Women's Leadership in Sports
ISDE Graduation 2023 - 6:30 p.m.
ISDE 2023 Graduation Pack
II ISDE Talent Day 2023
ISDE Sports Convention 2023
The irruption of the new digital platforms in the world of sport: Past, present and future
ISDE Talent Day 2023
Afterlife Esports Gamer Bar Event
Javier Tebas and Juan José Sánchez Puig will preside over the presentation of the ISDE Sport Convention 2023 on March 21
Welcome to ISDE
Closing Cocktail Week of the Master in International, Diplomatic, Consular and Foreign Trade Law, MDIDC2021
Inaugural session of the Master in Business Law, Arbitration and ADR
The Sailing Boat in Asturias, a commitment to sustainability
Get ready to be the healthcare manager of the future
eHealth Trends
The Spanish audiovisual industry close to leadership
ISDE Sports Convention 2022
The right of minors to be heard
Open Day - ISDE Degree
Challenges in professional football management
The business side of sports
Kick off - BSc (Hons) Sport Management
Lead without permission
Blockchain in Sport
IX Edition National Biotechnology Award 2022
Round table around the book "Football: current aspects of sports law and management"
BA Sports Management with ISL FCBarcelona Football Academies
Maternity regulations in football
Europe Challenges for the future
Biotechnology, SDG and Future
Blockchain Arbitration Society: Learning to Write the Future
VAT and customs from an international perspective
New Law: Digitization and Cryptocurrencies
ISDE Barcelona graduation 2021
Presentation of the book "The Sailing Boat of the Ría del Eo"
ISDE graduation 2021
ISDE Grade 2021 Graduation
Organic Law for the comprehensive protection of childhood and adolescence: lights and shadows
Entertainment, Esports and the legal sector. Markets that are waiting for you
Legal start up, how to build an innovative model in a traditional sector?
Debate on digital transformation and training needs
Entrepeneurs in Sports Law
Open Doors Day "How to turn your passion into your profession"
Delivery of the VIII National Biotechnology Award
Entrepreneurs in Sports Law
Brains School Master "Diplomacy, international relations and foreign trade"
Open Doors Day "How to turn your passion into your profession"
Legal Departments of Football Clubs
ISDE Barcelona Open Day
How to face a job interview [Exclusively reserved for newly admitted students]
Talking about FIFPRO
Get to know our Law Degrees + Specialization Master
A legal overview on the MLS (Major League Soccer)
Spanish sport, a lever for recovery as an activity of general interest
ISDE academic offer: Degree + Masters (4 years)
1st LinkedIn Masterclass. Starting your visibility
How to get away with murder?
After high school what?
Show me the money: how sports agents work in the XXI Century
Predicting your future
Predicting your future
ISDE SUMMER COURSE: The transformation of the Justice and their professionals. IS the future now past?
Open Class Digital advertising in the mainstream media
Soccer and match fixing: the CAS case law and judicial decisions in Spain
A general overview on TPO (Third Party Ownership) and TPI (Third Party Investment)
Open Class: Strategic negotiation tools
An overview on the football industry in Africa
Monetization in professional esports teams: Management of team sponsorship and structure
The anonymization in (post) Covid times
ISC is on the way: Compliance challenges in the sports environment
Concerned about your career choice? We help you
ISDE Sports Convention: Sports Arbitration in times of Covid: TAS & BAT
How to defend a murderer?
International Advocacy: Keys to Offering Safe International Hiring
Open Classroom: Sports Marketing. Communication and Social Networks
Do you dream of becoming a lawyer and working in an international environment?
Solutions and business tools in the days of COVID19
Open Classroom: Technology and privacy: two sides of the same coin
ISC is on the way! The challenge of sports journalism in the days of Covid-19
Open classroom: Being Dean; obligations, objectives and practical experience
How to increase the chances of being the best lawyer?
Economic crisis after COVID19: consequences in Family Law with special mention of unilateral transfers and child abduction
ISDE Sports Convention is on the way! Taxation of International Sports Players
The added value of technology in the post-covid law degree
Treatment of family emergency situations. Special mention to the ex novo process of RDL 16/2020
Open classroom: The McDonald’s case. The franchise as a business model
eSports: No limits to the future
The future of university education after the pandemic
Shared custody and breastfeeding: what criteria do the courts follow?
… And after high school, what?
Civil and commercial contracts in the face of the COVID-19 crisis
Open Classroom: Specialization in the Lawyer profession
ISDE Sports Convention is on the way! The challenges of the transfer system and the role of the agents and lawyers in COVID19 times
Lawyers: + necessary than ever. Lawyers also save lives...
Progress and conclusions on the criminal liability of the legal person
Women's football: main challenges before and after COVID-19
ISDE e-Learning Conference: Consequences of Covid-19 on Football
ISDE Sports Convention is on the way
ISDE e-Learning Conference: Implicaciones de la situación actual en el sector inmobiliario
ISDE e-Learning Conference: ERTE and labor and Social Security measures before COVID-19
Advances and conclusions in the criminal liability of the legal entity
Book launch: Legal Marketing; from a competent law firm to a competitive one. By Francesc Dominguez.
Cinethink, cinema with specialist: Apocalypse now
Cycle of Cultural Dinners Madrid: Antonio López
Conference on “Women in the Sports Industry” and Presentation of the Athlete Management & Sports Agent Executive Program
Conference on the recent jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union
Conference aimed at Brand awareness and its defense
Cine cocktail: Already tomorrow in Hong Kong
Charity event ISDE Alumni Barcelona in favor of Humanization
Conference cycle: The topicality of law through its protagonists
Breakfast-Colloquium: Protocols before bullying
Open Day Degree in Law
Open Day Degree
Open Day Degree in Law
Open Day Degree in Law
Santander Justice Cathedra. Permanent Seminar in Criminal Law
II Law and Sports Management Breakfast - ISDE Y BDO SPORTS
ISDE FORUM on Compliance
Law and Sports Management Breakfast - ISDE Y BDO SPORTS
Open Day - ISDE Grade
Graduation ISDE Barcelona 2019
Graduation ISDE Madrid 2019
How your child can study law and directly join the best law firms: The ISDE Method
How your child can study law and directly join the best law firms: The ISDE Method
How your child can study law and directly join the best law firms: The ISDE Method
: 29th May 2024
: 19.00h
: c/ Pelayo 15, ISDE Asturias Headquarter
: Isabel Muñiz, ISDE Asturias director
The event has finished.